Ricardo Melgarejo Salas
Rango académico
Catedrático auxiliar
Preparación académica
Ph.D. Física-Química
Código y título de cursos ofrecidos
- PHYS 3001 – General Physics I
- PHYS 3002 – General Physics II
- CHEM 3400 – Computation Laboratory and Its Applications to Chemistry
- CHEM 3920 – Chemical Physics: Quantum & Kinetic
- CHEM 2222 – Organic Chemistry II
Proyectos especiales, administrativos o académicos
- Ricardo Melgarejo, Venkata Puli, Neeraj Panwar, Reji Thomas and Ram Katiyar. Dielectric and magnetic properties of Bi1-xSmxFeO3. American Physical Society Meeting, Portland, March 15-19 (2010) Oral.
- Ricardo E. Melgarejo, Reji Thomas and Ram S. Katiyar. Multiferroic Bi(Fe1-xNdx)O3, (Bi1-x Fex)FeO3, and Bi(Fe0.95Li0.05)O3 Thin Films by Chemical Solution Deposition. Materials Research society Meeting, Boston, November 29-December 3 (2009) Poster.
- Ricardo E. Melgarejo, Nishit M. Murari, Jose J. Saavedra-Arias, Reji Thomas, and R. S. Katiyar. Dielectric and magnetic properties of BiFe1-xNdxO3 and BiFe0.95Li0.05O3. Materials Research society Meeting, Boston, December 1-5 (2008) Poster.
- R.E. Melgarejo, N. Murari, S. Jauregui, M.S. Tomar, and R. S. Katiyar. Structural and ferroelectric properties of Bi4-xCoxTi3O12 Thin films by sol-gel process. Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston Nov 26-30 (2007) (Poster).
- A. Charris-Hernández, R. Melgarejo, D. Barrionuevo, A. Kumar and M. S. Tomar. Multiferroic Properties of CoFe2O4/Bi3.4La0.6Ti3O12Bilayer structure at room temperature.Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 034108 (2013).
- R. Thomas, R.E. Melgarejo, N.M. Murari, S.P. Pavunny, R.S. Katiyar. Metalorganic chemical vapor deposited DyScO3 buffer layer in Pt/Bi3.25Nd0.75Ti3O12/DyScO3 /Si metal-ferroelectric-insulator-semiconductor diodes. Solid State Communication, 2013-2016, 149 (2009).
- N.M. Murari, R. Thomas, A. winterman, R.E. Melgarejo, S.P. Pavunny, and R.S Katiyar. Structural, electrical and magnetic properties of chemical solution deposited Bi(Fe0.95Cr0.05)O3 thin films on platinized silicon substrates. Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 1 (2009).
- N.K. Karan, J. J. Saavedra_Arias, D.K. Pradhan, R. Melgarejo, A. Kumar, R. Thomas, and R. S. Katiyar. Structural and Electrochemical Characterizations of Solution Derived LiMn0.5Ni0.5O2 as Positive Electrode for Li-ion Rechargeable Batteries. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett.,11, 8 (2008).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar. R. Singhal and R.S. Katiyar. Structural and Ferroelectric Properties of Bi4-xNixTi3O12 Thin films by Sol-Gel process, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (2006).
- Rahul Singhal, Suprem R. Das, Osbert Oviedo, Santander Nieto, Ricardo E. Melgarejo and Ram S. Katiyar.Synthesis and characterization of Nd doped LiMn2O4 cathode for Li-ion rechargeable batteries. Journal of Power sources. (2006).
- M. S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, R. Singhal, L.M. Angelats and R.S. Katiyar. Studies of Bi4-xGdxTi3O12 Bifunctional Material. M.S. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol 888 0888-V08-09.1-0888-V08-09.6 (2005).
- S. Dussan, M. S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, and R. S. Katiyar. Effect of Composition on Ferroelectric Response of Bi4-xSmxTi3O12 thin films Mater. Res. Soc Symp. Proc., Vol 902E 0902-T03-54.1-092-T03-54.6 (2005).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar, R. Guzman, S.P. Singh. Synthesis and structural characterization of BiFeO3-BaTiO3 materials., Integrated Ferroelectrics, (2005).
- M.S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, S.P. Singh. Leakage current and ferroelectric memory in Nd and Sm substituted Bi4Ti3O12 films Microelectronic Journal 36 574 (2005).
- M.S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, A. Hidalgo, S.P. Singh and R.S. Katiyar, Ferroelectric Behavior of Sol-Gel Derived Bi4-xNdxTi3O12 Thin Films, Journal Integrated Ferroelectrics. vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 221-227(7) (2004).
- L.A. Bermúdez, R.P. Guzman, M.S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo. Structural and dielectric properties of Ca1-xMgxCu3Ti4O12 thin films, , Mater. Res. Soc Symp. Proc., Vol 785 D6.7.1-D6.7.6 (2004).
- R. Guzman, M.S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo. Synthesis and characterization of Ca1-xSrxCu3Ti4O12 thin films for dielectric applications, and R.S. Katiyar, Mater. Res. Soc Symp. Proc., Vol 785 D4.10.1-D4.10.6 (2004).
- R.E. Melgarejo and M.S. Tomar Ferroelectric memory in La substituted Bi4Ti3O12 thin films, Mater. Res. Soc Symp. Proc., Vol 784 C11.11.1-C11.11.6 (2004).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar, S.P. Singh, Large Ferroelectric Polarization in Bi4-xLaxTi3O12 Thin films, Physics of Semiconductor Devices 1133-1135 (2003).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar, R. Guzman and S.P. Singh, Sol-Gel derived BiFeO3 thin films for bi-functional devices, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 1136-1138 (2003).
- M.S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, A. Hidalgo, S.B. Majumder and R.S. Katiyar, Structural and ferroelectric studies of Bi3.44La0.56Ti3O12 films, Applied Physics Letters. Vol 83, 341-343 (2003).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar, S. Bhaskar, P.S. Dobal and R.S. Katiyar, Large Ferroelectric response Bi4-xNdxTi3O12 films prepared by Sol-gel process, Applied Physics Letters. Vol 81, 2611-2613 (2002).
- M.S. Tomar, A. Hidalgo, R.E. Melgarejo, and R.S. Katiyar, Synthesis and studies of Ti1-xCoxO2 for device applications, Mater. Res Symp. Proc. Vol 690 F6.6.1-F6.6.4, (2002).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar and R.S. Katiyar, Structural properties and doping of Zn1-x(Li,Mg)xO materials, Mater. Res. Soc Symp. Proc., Vol 692 H6.4.1-H6.4.6 (2002).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar, A. Hidalgo, and R.S. Katiyar. Structural characterization of [(1-x) SrBi2Nb2O9-(x)Bi3TiNbO9] for ferroelectric application, J. Ferroelectric Volume 269 No. 1; (2002).
- A. Hidalgo, M.S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, and R.S. Katiyar. Synthesis and ferroelectric response of Bi4-xNdxTi3O12 thin films, Integrated Ferroelectrics. Volume 42 No. 1; (2002).
- R.E. Melgarejo, A. Hidalgo, and M.S. Tomar, Aurivillius phase materials and ferroelectric devices, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, V. New Delhi, pp 1129-1132 (2001).
- M.S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, P.S. Dobal, M. Jain, and R.S Katiyar, Growth and properties of Sr1-xBaxBi2TaNbO9, materials and thin films, J. Materials Science 36, 3919 (2001).
- M.S. Tomar, A. Hidalgo, P.S. Dobal, A. Dixit, R. E. Melgarejo, and R. S. Katiyar, A novel route for the synthesis of LiAlxCo1-xO2 battery materials and their structural properties,” and K.A. Kuenhold, Proceedings of Materials Research Society, 658 (2001).
- R.R. Das, P.S. Dobal, A. Dixit, W. Perez, M. S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, and R. S. Katiyar, Preparation and characterization of Ba an Nd substituded SrBi2Ta2O9 compounds, Proc Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 655 (2001).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar, P.S. Dobal, S. K Filippov, R. S. Katiyar, {1-x SrBi2Ta2O9– xBi3TiTaO9} materials: structural behavior and ferroelectric response, and K.A. Kuenhold, Mater. Sci. and Engineering (B) 83, 89 (2001).
- M.S. Tomar, R.E. Melgarejo, P.S. Dobal, and R.S Katiyar. Synthesis of Zn1-xMgxO and its structural characterization, J. Mater. Res. 16, 903(2001).
- R. E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar, P.S. Dobal, and R.S. Katiyar, Structural and electrical properties of Sr1-xBaxBi2Ta2O9 thin filmsThin Solid films 377-378 745 (2000).
- R.E. Melgarejo, M.S. Tomar, P.S. Dobal, and R.S. Katiyar, Synthesis and characterization of Sr1-xBaxBi2Ta2O9 materials, J. Mater. Res. 15, 1661 (2000).

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